All video tutorials

Ogroid Myrmidon

Ogroid Myrmidon

A selection of detailed videos including red OSL, NMM, fur effect, horns and freehand on his shield.

Ogroid Myrmidon Shield

Ogroid Myrmidon Shield

Guides on how to paint the Warcry Ogroid Myrmidon shield.

Mortarions Face, Feet and Hood

Mortarions Face, Feet and Hood

There are lots of textures and fine details on the feet and face of Mortarion – here is how I did it.

Mortarions Green Armour

Mortarions Green Armour

A series of videos on how I painted the green armour on Mortarion.

Mortarions Wings

Mortarions Wings

Video tutorials showing the techniques I used to paint Mortarions Wings.

Mortarions Nurgling Wings

Mortarions Nurgling Wings

I had to make the Nurgling companions of Mortarion have wings to match their master! Here is how I did it.

Great Unclean One

Great Unclean One

A selection of videos on how I created some of the effects on my Great Unclean One including the horns, staff and friendly nurgling. With Nurgle-esque glows, rots, maggots and weathered copper details.

Warcry Spire Tyrants Bestigor Destroyer

Warcry Spire Tyrants Bestigor Destroyer

Guides on how to paint the Warcry Spire Tyrants Bestigor Destroyer including non metallic metal and fur texture.

Kingdom Death - Gladiator

Kingdom Death – Gladiator

How I painted this tiny Gladiator woman from Kingdom Death.

Wizard Tower

Wizard Tower

Now for something a little different – a tutorial on how to paint this Wizards tower, including windows, drybrushing tips, wood texture and mossy tiles.

Gloomspite Gitz Grot in Contrast Paint

Gloomspite Gitz Grot in Contrast Paint

A quick and simple tutorial in how to paint this friendly little Grot with Contrast paints and apply varnish to bring the colours together and finish the piece.

Necron Skorpekh Destroyer in True Metals

Necron Skorpekh Destroyer in True Metals

A little bit different from me, a gaming true metal Necron Skorpekh Destroyer. I think he’ll be the only one I paint with true metals though!

Mini Questoris Knight

Mini Questoris Knight

A video on painting the details on this little knight, with tips on metal, weathering and using weathering powder.

Fabius Bile

Fabius Bile

I love the model and think it’s a great update to the original. For my version I’ve added a bit more hair and thinned his nose a little.

Chaos Warrior - Slaves to Darkness

Chaos Warrior – Slaves to Darkness

I’ve painted another chaos warrior up for my small Slaves to Darkness army, but ultimately this is a failure as it took me too long. I need something that looks good while ideally taking not much longer than an hour, but this was just over 3.

Dark Angels Master Lazarus

Dark Angels Master Lazarus

A set of video tutorials on how to paint Master Lazarus of the Dark Angels.

Contrast Paint Marine

Contrast Paint Marine

Using a selection of Citadel Contrast paints to create a quick marine.



A video tutorial showing the techniques I used painting some of my Undead army.

Imperial Fists

How to Paint an Imperial Fist Space Marine to Tabletop Standard

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to paint an Imperial Fist Space Marine quickly and effectively to tabletop standard. This tutorial uses an airbrush for the base coats, followed by detailed brushwork for finishing touches.

Ogor Breacher of the Iron Golems Warcy Warband

Ogor Breacher of the Iron Golems Warcy Warband

Guides on how to paint the Ogor Breacher of the Iron Golems Warcy Warband including non metallic metal and veiny skin.

Legio Sinister Freehand on the Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan

Legio Sinister Freehand on the Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan

A guide on how to paint the freehand Legio Sinister on the Adeptus Titanicus Warlord Titan.

Titan Armour

Titan Armour

How to paint the Forge World Adeptus Titanicus Warlord-Sinister Psi-Titan Adeptus Titanicus armour.

Melusaine Blood Sister from Age of Sigmar Daughters of Khaine

Melusaine Blood Sister from Age of Sigmar Daughters of Khaine

With shining NMM scales and dripping blood on the heart.

How to Paint a Necron Warrior

A bit less fancy than my Skorpekh Lord, here is how to paint a Necron warrior in NMM (non metallic metal) for my Necron army.

Red Squig

Red Squig

Two video tutorials on how I painted this friendly little fella!

Custodian Guard NMM Guide

Custodian Guard NMM Guide

Guide on how I painted the NMM on this Custodian Guard

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Hundreds of videos are available.
Click the page numbers to continue, or use this search box if you’ve got a technique or model in mind.
(Eg “NMM” for non-metallic metal, space marines, or “Mortarion” for all my Mortarion tutorials.)