Heargeard from Cult of Paint
A series of videos on how to paint the Heargeard bust from Cult of Paint.

Necron Overlord NMM Gold
A series of video tutorials on how I painted this Necro Overlord, with gold non metallic metals and a guide to how to paint his glowing weapons. Plus, a guide on creating his base.

Black Marine
A set of video tutorials on how I painted this black marine, including small freehand tips, subtle weathering, leather and nmm gold detailing.

Tor Garadon
A series of videos on how I painted him, including details on the head and leather parts.

I’ve finished up Zarbag, now just the rest of his Gitz so that I can game! He’s such a cool model, and a good warm up for the rest of the goblins I’ve bought!

Naeve Blacktalon
Here is a set of video tutorials on how I painted Naeve Blacktalon, including NMM Gold, her cloak filigree, face, eyes and hair and fur cloak!

Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguard
A series of tutorials on how I painted my set of Golden Demon winning Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguard! This includes nurgly armour, weathering, rust, metals, tentacles, freehand and more!

Weathered Armour Plate and Freehand Text
Two videos on how I created this effect on this yellow armour plate, with weathering and chips and a simple freehand banner.

Reikenor the Grimhailer
In my Reikenor the Grimhailer video I go through the techniques and paints used to create the black, to red, to blue fades on the model, as well as tips on highlighting.

Titan Skull Shoulder Freehand
A tutorial on how to freehand paint a skull onto a clear surface, in this case the shoulder of a Titan.

Katakros, Mortarch of the Necropolis
For me he has a statue of David vibe mixed in with a Spartan and a Prometheus Engineer.

Fist Freehand on Imperial Fists Redemptor Dreadnought
A video tutorial on how I painted this fist freehand on an Imperial Fists Redemptor Dreadnought.

Plasma Cannon Purple for Fists Redemptor Dreadnought
I’ve created this tutorial to simply show you how to do this glowing effect on the plasma cannon for a Fists Redemptor Dreadnought.

War Griffons Warlord
A series of quick videos on the different techniques used on this model. These include the marble effect, the stripes, applying decals and weathering.

Freehand Skull on Imperial Knight
A tutorial on how to freehand a skull on a Knights legplate, with advanced shading and pattern.

Morgok from Morgok’s Krushas
Morgok’s Krushas sought the mightiest trophies in the name of their bellicose deity, Gorkamorka.
Here is a series of videos on how I painted him!

Warcry – The Unmade Blissful One
The Unmade warbands are led by Blissful Ones – fast and brutally effective fighters with the power to turn anyone who gets in their way into particularly grimdark coleslaw.

Troggoth in Contrast Paints
Two videos on how I painted a Rockgut Troggoth quickly using Contrast Paints.

Sepulchral Guard
A set of tutorials on how to paint the Sepulchral Warden, with NMM Bronze and some atmospheric undead textures.

Maggotkin of Nurgle
A guide on creating a series of effects on the Plague God’s chosen servants, with rusty weapons, grimy copper armour and general Nurgle weathering techniques!

How to Apply Forge World Decals and Weather Them
A beginners guide on how to apply Forge World decals and weather them so they look a natural part of the painting on your model.
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Hundreds of videos are available.
Click the page numbers to continue, or use this search box if you’ve got a technique or model in mind.
(Eg “NMM” for non-metallic metal, space marines, or “Mortarion” for all my Mortarion tutorials.)