A Blood Angel in MKVI Armour
This free video shows how to paint a Blood Angel in new Mark VI armour, from the Horus Heresy (make sure you are logged in to view!)

MKVI Imperial Fists
In this guide you will be shown how to paint Imperial Fists in MKVI (Beakie) armour, from the Horus Heresy.

Death Guard for the Horus Heresy
This video shows you how to paint a Death Guard marine for the Horus Heresy.

An Imperial Guard Armoured Sentinel
This video shows you how to paint the new Imperial Guard (Astra Militarium) Armoured Sentinel.

Nurgle Shield with Freehand and Shine
These videos show how to a paint a shield for an Ogroid from the Slaves to Darkness army box.

Chaos Champion
These videos show how to paint the the Chaos Champion from the Slaves to Darkness army box.

Sons of Velmorn Skeleton
These videos show you how to paint one of the skeleton from the Sons of Velmorn warband, which comes in the new Warhammer Underworlds Gnarlwood box.

Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Warrior
This video shows how to paint one of the new Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn Warriors (space dwarfs/squats).

Paint and Weather the Plastic Sicaran
This video shows the new Plastic Sicaran from Games Workshop. It also shows how to paint it using Imperial Fist Contrast paint and oil paint.

Leviathan Dreadnought Imperial Fist
This video shows the new Plastic Leviathan Dreadnought from Games Workshop. It also shows how to paint it using Imperial Fist Contrast paint and oil paint.

A Warcry Witherlord
This video shows how to paint the Witherlord from the Rotmire Creed Warcry warband, which can be found in the new Warcry Heart of Ghur box, which was sent to me by Games Workshop.

Warcry Rotmire Creed Bloated One (Heart of Ghur)
This video shows how to paint the Bloated One from the Rotmire Creed warband from the new Warcry box that Games Workshop sent me.

Imperial Fist with Heavy Bolters – No Airbrush or Oils needed!
In this guide you will be shown how to paint Imperial Fists with Heavy Bolters without the need for an Airbrush or Oil Paints!

Sylvaneth Gossamid Archer with Contrast Paints
This video looks at the new Contrast paints from Games Workshop and I use them to paint a very colourful Sylvaneth Gossamid Archer

New Contrast Paints on Imperial Fist!
This video looks at a couple of the new Contrast paints from Games Workshop and I see if I can paint an Imperial Fist using Imperial Fist paint!

Plastic Imperial Fist Contemptor Dreadnought
In this guide you will be shown how to paint a Plastic Contemptor Dreadnought from the new Horus Heresy boxed game.

Be’lakor, the Dark Master
A series for how to paint Be’lakor, the Dark Master. I am working on this model as a competition entry, so will be uploading more videos over time!

Rogal Dorn’s Armour NMM Gold
In this guide you will be shown how to paint Rogal Dorn’s armour. This is a higher level technique, suitable for the mighty Primarch of the Imperial Fists!

Giant Cave Squig – Silver Golden Demon Winner!
A really fun experience playing with colour and texture! These videos show I created this bright little fellow.

Night Lord Praetor for Horus Heresy
In this free video you will be shown how to paint a Night Lords Praetor in terminator armour, from the Horus Heresy (make sure you are logged in to view!)

Aeldari Avatar
A series of videos on how I painted my Aeldari Avatar, with lava effect and NMM in silver and gold.

Aeldari Soul Weaver (Nachmund)
These videos show how to paint the Aeldari Soul Weaver from the Killteam: Nachmund boxed set that Games Workshop sent me.

Rotbringer Sorceror
These videos shows how to paint a Nurgle Rotbringer Sorcerer from Age of Sigmar.

Darkstrider (Tau) for Warhammer 40K
This video shows how to paint the Tau special character Darkstrider.

Legio Fureans Reaver
My lovely wife got me a reaver titan for my birthday, so I thought I’d have a bash at painting it up for the Legio Fureans. I’ve done it as a gaming piece, but I’ll be doing a Warlord for a potential Golden Demon entry.

Emperor’s Champion
A selection of tutorial videos following my Emperor’s Champion! Videos include his black armour, NMM sword and gold hilt, cloth, leather belt and OSL eyes and lamp!

Ork Squigosaur
A selection of tutorial videos plus a detailed PDF on how I painted my Ork Squigosaur (shark squig!).

Warmaster Iconoclast Titan in Legio Astorum (Warp Runners) colours
This video shows how to paint a Warmaster Iconoclast Titan for the Legio Astorum (Warp Runners) from the Adeptus Titanicus game.

Ork Beastboss
These videos shows how to paint an Ork Beastboss to a high level tabletop standard.
There is also a detailed 26 page PDF guide for this model, which can be found here.

Howling Banshee
These videos show how to paint an Aeldari Howling Banshee to a high level tabletop standard.
Search or Keep Going!
Hundreds of videos are available.
Click the page numbers to continue, or use this search box if you’ve got a technique or model in mind.
(Eg “NMM” for non-metallic metal, space marines, or “Mortarion” for all my Mortarion tutorials.)