Learn how to paint Space Marines from a Slayer Sword winning painter! My tutorials cover the basics right up to advanced weathering and freehand techniques, with tutorials for every skill level. Scroll to explore the videos and guides.
Free How to Paint Space Marines Tutorials
Please note that you may need to be logged in as a free tier member on the website to watch some of these videos.

Desolation Dark Angel
This video shows how to paint one of the Desolation Marines from the Strike Force Agastus.

How to Paint an Orange Blood Angel for Movember
This tutorial with video will guide you through how to paint range Blood Angel Space Marine with a unique orange twist to his armour. Painted as part of Movember for mental health awareness, this model also features a freehand moustache as a quirky homage to the cause.

Deathwing Terminator
This video looks at how to paint a Deathwing Terminator from the new Leviathan boxed set.

Imperial Fist with Heavy Bolters – No Airbrush or Oils needed!
In this guide you will be shown how to paint Imperial Fists with Heavy Bolters without the need for an Airbrush or Oil Paints!

A Blood Angel in MKVI Armour
This free video shows how to paint a Blood Angel in new Mark VI armour, from the Horus Heresy.

Night Lord Praetor for Horus Heresy
In this free video you will be shown how to paint a Night Lords Praetor in terminator armour, from the Horus Heresy.

New Contrast Paints on Imperial Fist!
This video looks at a couple of the new Contrast paints from Games Workshop and I see if I can paint an Imperial Fist using Imperial Fist paint!

A Grimdark Imperial Fist!
This video shows the whole process of how to paint a Grimdark Imperial Fist for Warhammer 40’000.

How to paint a Grimdark Ultramarine!
This video shows the whole process of how to paint a Grimdark Ultramarine for Warhammer 40’000.

How to Paint an Iron Warrior in True Metallic Metals and Contrast Paint
I don’t usually paint true metals as I find them irritating and the metallic particles get everywhere like a glitter bomb. I get a lot of requests for how to paint them though, so I thought I’d record this How to Paint an Iron Warrior in True Metallic Metals and Contrast Paint.

Grimdark Death Guard for the Horus Heresy
This video shows how to paint a Death Guard marine for the Horus Heresy. The model is a new MKIII plastic marine and is painted in the Grimdark style to try and capture the weight and brutal nature of the armour.
How to Paint Space Marines – Ancient Armour

How to Paint a Deathwing Knight
Here we have the start of my tutorials on how to paint a Deathwing Knight, which Games Workshop kindly sent me a review copy of. In these videos, we will explore how to paint the ancient armour, eyes and metal trim on the model.
How to Paint Space Marines – Clean Marines

Black Marine
A set of video tutorials on how I painted this black marine, including small freehand tips, subtle weathering, leather and nmm gold detailing.
Death Guard and Grimdark

Death Guard for the Horus Heresy
This video shows you how to paint a Death Guard marine for the Horus Heresy.

Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguard
A series of tutorials on how I painted my set of Golden Demon winning Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguard! This includes nurgly armour, weathering, rust, metals, tentacles, freehand and more!
How to Paint Space Marines Characters

Dark Angels Master Lazarus
A set of video tutorials on how to paint Master Lazarus of the Dark Angels.
Imperial Fists

MKVI Imperial Fists
In this guide you will be shown how to paint Imperial Fists in MKVI (Beakie) armour, from the Horus Heresy.

Tor Garadon
A series of videos on how I painted him, including details on the head and leather parts.

How to Paint an Imperial Fist Space Marine to Tabletop Standard
In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to paint an Imperial Fist Space Marine quickly and effectively to tabletop standard. This tutorial uses an airbrush for the base coats, followed by detailed brushwork for finishing touches.
How to Paint Space Marines Freehand

Terminator Chaplain
This video shows you how to freehand ribs on the new Terminator Chaplain that Games Workshop sent me for review. I know some people were disappointed that it didn’t have sculpted on ribs, so this should fix it!

How to Paint a Shoulder Pad Tactical Marking for a Space Marine
We delve into the intricate process of painting the iconic shoulder pad marking for your Raven Guard Space Marine miniature from Games Workshop. Follow along as I break down each step, from laying down the base colour to adding highlights and battle damage, ensuring your model stands out on the battlefield!
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