Stab Grot! The most powerful model from the Age of Sigmar Dominion box
I thought it was time that I painted the most powerful model from the new Age of Sigmar Dominion box! It’s the mighty Stab-Grot!

NMM Gold on a Stormcast Eternal Annihilator from Dominion
After Games Workshop kindly sent me a review copy of the Age of Sigmar Dominion box, the first model I decided to paint was this chonky Annihilator! I’ve gone for a NMM gold (Non Metallic Metal) style

Rocky Skeleton Base
These videos show how to build and prepare a base, ready to take the painting and detail up to display level. Includes greenstuff tips and making rocks from scratch.

A Grimdark Imperial Fist!
This video shows the whole process of how to paint a Grimdark Imperial Fist for Warhammer 40’000.

Nighthaunt Krulghast Cruciator
This video shows the complete process for how to paint the Nighthaunt Krulghast Cruciator from Games Workshop

How to paint a Cursed City Vargskyr with OSL
This video shows how to paint on of the Vargskyr from the Cursed City boxed game by Games Workshop.

Mephiston, Lord of Death
Here are all of my tutorials so far on how to paint Mephiston, from basic assembly and removing mould lines and filling gaps, to detailed instruction on his painting itself with freehand, NMM and more.

Cursed City Skellybones!
I’ve painted up a quick skellybones from the Cursed City game. Watch the video, now!

Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster
I was fortunate to be sent a pre-release version of the new Warmaster, so here it is in War Griffons colours, along with two long videos of my process.

How to paint a Grimdark Ultramarine!
This video shows the whole process of how to paint a Grimdark Ultramarine for Warhammer 40’000.

Sigvald the Magnificent
All of the tutorials for Sigvald the Magnificent, including NMM (gold) armour, face and horns, freehand shield, sword and hilt and more!

Void Dragon – SENMM
I wanted a different effect for the NMM so I went for SENMM and am pretty happy with how it turned out. For those who don’t know, SENMM just means Sky Earth Non Metallic Metal.

Warstomper Mega-Gargant
I’ve just uploaded two videos as part of a new series focusing on the new Mega Gargant (Giant) from Games Workshop.
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Hundreds of videos are available.
Click the page numbers to continue, or use this search box if you’ve got a technique or model in mind.
(Eg “NMM” for non-metallic metal, space marines, or “Mortarion” for all my Mortarion tutorials.)