I was delighted to be interviewed by the Warhammer Community page, after painting up my Warhammer Titan!
Mephiston Tutorials Update!
This week I’ve been working on Mephiston! Mephiston, originally named Calistarius, and also called the “Lord of Death,” is the Master of the Librarius and the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter.
How to Paint Mephiston of the Blood Angels – Part 1
This is part 1 in a series looking at how to paint Mephiston of the Blood Angels to Display standard.
Mould Lines Tutorial : Build and Convert Mephiston Without Mould Lines or Gaps!
This mould lines tutorial shows you how to build and convert Mephiston of the Blood Angels and end up with a result that has no mould lines or gaps. Tools You Will Need The followingContinue reading
How to Paint an Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster
As promised, here are my detailed tutorial videos on how to paint the new Warmaster!
Warmaster Titan Kit Video Review
Here is the Warmaster Titan kit review, along with a 360 video of the model I painted!
Adeptus Titanicus Warmaster
I’ve been going mad painting trim for days! I was fortunate to be sent a pre-release version of the new Warmaster, so here it is in War Griffons colours.
How to Paint Sigvald the Magnificent Cloak
This video shows how to paint the cloak of Sigvald the Magnificent.
How to Paint Sigvald The Magnificent – Shield Freehand
Here is a close up of the freehand on the shield I painted for Sigvald the Magnificent! It was quite a fun piece, right up until adding the light at the end when it got a bit stressful