This week I’ve been working on Mephiston! Mephiston, originally named Calistarius, and also called the “Lord of Death,” is the Master of the Librarius and the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter.
Painting wise, I’ve made a start on the red of his armour and the NMM (non metallic metal) gold of his shoulders.
I’ve created a tutorial video on this so far – this can be found by clicking here.
Build and Convert Mephiston Without Mould Lines or Gaps!
In addition to the painting tutorials, I’ve created a video on the full assembly of Mephiston, clean up, glueing and greenstuff to get him absolutely perfect before you pick up the brush. This can be watched below:
Thanks, as ever for all of your support on my videos and I look forward to seeing how you do!
Mephiston Tutorials Update!
Hello – I’m Richard from THE FUTURE and I’m just updating this page with a link to all the tutorials for Mephiston:

Mephiston, Lord of Death
Here are all of my tutorials so far on how to paint Mephiston, from basic assembly and removing mould lines and filling gaps, to detailed instruction on his painting itself with freehand, NMM and more.
Or, you could explore the tutorials technique by technique!
If you don’t have an account, please sign up here! The website currently has over 350 video tutorials with steps and tips, plus a selection of PDFs. If you are not sure about joining, you can explore my free videos with a free membership, or take the plunge and become a full subscriber for full access.
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