I’m back to working a bit on my Mephiston painting. I need to get him finished but it’s probably going to take 50+ hours still. I find I have to take breaks on pieces like this. It does seem like I’m painting a lot of vampires though!

Mephiston, originally named Calistarius, and also called the “Lord of Death,” is the Master of the Librarius and the Chief Librarian of the Blood Angels Space Marine Chapter.
He is the only member of the Blood Angels or their Successor Chapters known to have defeated the pull of the Black Rage not once, but twice in his life, regaining his sanity both times. He is a Librarian of potent ability, believed to be one of the mightiest psykers in the entire Imperium of Man.
Yet there are whispers that Mephiston paid a dreadful price for his resurrection, that when he mastered the Black Rage something altogether more terrible took its place.
It is to be hoped that such rumours are baseless, mere carrion latching onto greatness, but Mephiston keeps his secrets close, and only time will reveal the truth.

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Mephiston Painting Tutorials
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