I thought it was time that I painted the most powerful model from the new Age of Sigmar Dominion box! It’s the mighty Stab-Grot!
Category: Weathered Metal
How to Build and Paint a Adeptus Titanicus Titan Martian Base
This video shows you how to create this martian red landscape for your Adeptus Titanicus Titan Base, or for any base you like, really!
How to Paint Non Metallic Metal (NMM) Copper
I created some shiny (and then grimy!) non metallic metal copper on my Maggotkin of nurgle, which I then weathered with distinctive green verdigris. This is how I did it!
How to Paint Deathguard Deathshroud Bodyguard
A series of tutorials on how I painted my set of Golden Demon winning Death Guard Deathshroud Bodyguard! This includes nurgly armour, weathering, rust, metals, tentacles, freehand and more!
How to Paint Weathering and Metal on an Adeptus Titanicus Titan
This video shows how to paint a Melta Cannon on an Adeptus Titanicus Reaver Titan for the Legio Gryphonicus.
How to Paint Abaddon’s Shoulder Pad
Abaddon’s shoulder pad! I filled in the V shape on the eye with greenstuff so I could freehand over the top of it. Still WIP at the moment, but not much more to go.
How to Paint Weathered Armour Plate and Freehand Text
Two videos on how I created this effect on this yellow armour plate, with weathering and chips and a simple freehand banner.
How to Paint a War Griffons Warlord
A series of quick videos on how to paint an Adeptus Titanicus Titan to game standard. This included marble effects, stripes, weathering and decals and more!
How to Paint Abaddon Trophy Rack
I’ve been busy painting things I can’t show off yet, but I managed to sneak in a little time for more work on Abaddon, this time his trophy rack.