So Golden Demon is over! I’ve been in recovery mode for a few days but I’m back painting now 😀
Category: Golden Demon
How to Paint a Vampire Lord
All the videos on how to paint the Vampire Lord from the Soulblight Gravelord Armies! This includes NMM shiny steel armour, face and hair, skeleton base tutorial plus a dripping gore-covered mace!
Askurgan Exemplar Vampire (Samurai Vampire!)
I’ve just posted a long video showing how to paint the face, arm, shoulder and gold NMM chest symbol of the Askurgan Exemplar vampire (samurai vampire!)
How to Paint an Askurgan Exemplar Vampire
A short series for how to paint an Askurgan Exemplar from the Warcry Bloodhunt box. This is being painted as part of a Golden Demon unit entry.
How to Paint Cado Ezechiar
This video shows how to paint the armour for the vampire model, Cado Ezechiar, from Games Workshop.
Warhammer Community Article: Golden Demon Winners Share Their Top Tips to Up Your Painting Game
I was delighted to be quizzed by the Warhammer Community team on my “Top Tips” for Golden Demon competitors. Along with Andy Wardle and Albert Moreto Font, we answered a series of questions on how to get in to the “competition groove”
Golden Demon Update – Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig!
I thought it would be interesting to keep you all updated on the Loon Boss Golden Demon progress!
So far he’s just about on schedule. You can see in the photos above that the other side is now also painted! I imagine a few people will have a laugh when they see some of the forthcoming videos with how basic the painting was on the other side of the model 😂
How to Paint Lady Annika, The Thirsting Blade
Lady Annika’s thirst for blood is legendary, even amongst the Soulblight vampires! I really enjoyed painting her and made a few tweaks to the model.
Here are all the videos I created for her on one page.
How to Paint a Great Unclean One
A selection of videos on how I created some of the effects on my Great Unclean One including the horns, staff skin, belly mouth and friendly nurgling.