How to paint the chest eagle of a Raven Guard Primaris Space Marine using a non-metallic metal (NMM) technique. Ensure you have a good light source and a wet palette to keep your paints workable.
Painting the chest eagle with NMM techniques involves careful layering and blending of colours to simulate metallic reflections. Patience and precision are key, especially when working with small details. Practise these techniques on test models if needed, and remember to enjoy the process!
Video: How to Paint a NMM Primaris Marine Chest Eagle
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Materials Needed
- Games Workshop: Rhinox Hide, Ceramite White, Mournfang Brown
- Vallejo: English Uniform, Japanese Uniform, Ice Yellow
- Fine detail brush (size 0 or 00)
- Wet palette
Other Tools:
- Magnifying lamp (optional but helpful for fine details)
- Model holder or similar to keep the model steady
Step-by-Step Process
Step 1: Preparation
- Remove the arms and gun from the Primaris Marine model to have full access to the chest eagle. This will allow for easier painting and more precise detailing.
- Prime the model if it hasn’t been primed yet. Ensure the chest eagle is black.
Step 2: Base Coat
- Apply the base colour using Vallejo English Uniform. Use a fine detail brush to carefully block in the feathers and the skull on the chest eagle, leaving some black lining visible between the feathers to maintain definition.
Step 3: First Highlight
- Mix Vallejo Japanese Uniform on your wet palette.
- Apply the first highlight over the English Uniform base, focusing on areas that will catch the light most prominently. This will be the central parts of the feathers and the top of the skull.
Step 4: Transition to Brighter Highlights
- Blend Vallejo Ice Yellow into the Japanese Uniform on your palette. Leave the Japanese Uniform on your brush, then dip it slightly into the Ice Yellow.
- Blend the colours on the model by applying this mixture directly, creating smooth transitions. Focus on enhancing the edges and raised areas of the feathers and the topmost points of the skull.
Step 5: Defining the Details
- Use pure Vallejo Ice Yellow to pick out the hardest edges and details. This will be for the sharpest highlights, such as the tips of the feathers and the pronounced areas on the skull.
- Apply these highlights delicately, ensuring not to overdo them. The aim is to create a glinting effect, representing light catching on the edges.
Step 6: Adding Depth and Contrast
- Introduce Games Workshop Rhinox Hide to add depth to the shadows. This will help create a rich, contrasting look.
- Apply Rhinox Hide sparingly to the deeper recesses of the feathers and around the lower areas of the chest eagle.
Step 7: Enhancing the Colour
- Use Games Workshop Mournfang Brown to add warmth and further deepen the colours. This will provide a more realistic gold effect.
- Apply Mournfang Brown carefully to transition areas, especially where the shadows meet the highlights.
Step 8: Final Touches
- Use Games Workshop Ceramite White for the final highlight points. These are the brightest spots and should be applied very sparingly.
- Dot the Ceramite White on the highest points and edges, such as the very tips of the feathers and the central peak of the skull, to simulate the brightest reflections of light.
Step 9: Tidy Up
- Review your work and clean up any areas where the paint may have bled over the edges. Use the base colours to tidy up any mistakes.
- Reattach the arms and gun once you are satisfied with the highlights and details.
More Tutorials on How to Paint the Raven Guard Primaris Space Marine

How to Paint a Raven Guard Primaris Space Marine
A set of video tutorials on how I painted this black marine, including small freehand tips, subtle weathering, leather and nmm gold detailing.
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