How to Paint a Blood Bowl Mummy, Bandages, Clothing, NMM Skull, Skin.

This video shows you how to paint the Bandages, Clothing, NMM Skull and Skin on a Blood Bowl Mummy.

Video Tutorial – How to Paint the Bandages, Clothing, NMM Skull and Skin

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Paints and Materials Needed

Paints (Games Workshop):

  1. Mournfang Brown
  2. Rhinox Hide
  3. XV-88
  4. Balor Brown
  5. Morghast Bone
  6. Ushabti Bone
  7. Death Korps Drab
  8. Hobgrot Hide (not recommended)
  9. Trollslayer Orange

Paints (Vallejo):

  1. Ice Yellow
  2. Pure White
  3. Neutral Grey


  1. Size 00 Artist Opus Brush (for detailed work)
  2. Size 2 Artist Opus Brush (for broader strokes and glazing)

Other Materials:

  1. MiniNatur Moss Pads (for the base grass effect)

Step-by-Step Guide

1. How to Paint the Bandages:

  • Base Layer: Start with Mournfang Brown (Games Workshop) as a base layer for the bandages.
  • Main Colour: Apply Balor Brown (Games Workshop) over the bandages. It’s recommended to use this instead of Hobgrot Hide for better coverage and a more desired effect.
  • Highlighting: Use Morghast Bone and Ushabti Bone (both from Games Workshop) for highlighting. Focus on creating lines parallel to the bandages’ direction, paying special attention to the upper edges around the face for more detail.
  • Shadows and Grubby Effect: Apply a thinned down Rhinox Hide (Games Workshop) in shadowed areas and to add a grubby effect to the bandages.

2. How to Paint the Skull (Non-Metallic Metal Gold):

  • Base Layer: Use Rhinox Hide (Games Workshop) as the base.
  • Layering: Progressively layer with Mournfang Brown, XV-88, Balor Brown, Ice Yellow (Vallejo), and Pure White (Vallejo). Each layer should be smaller than the previous, creating a bright highlight effect.
  • Refinement: Feather the edges of each layer for a smooth transition between shades.

3. How to Paint the Clothing (Trousers/Pants):

  • Base Colour: Mix Rhinox Hide (Games Workshop) with Neutral Grey (Vallejo) and apply as the base colour.
  • Texture and Highlight: Create a scratchy, rough texture using a mix of Rhinox Hide, Grey, and Ice Yellow (Vallejo). Add white to the mix for final highlights.

4. How to Paint the Belt:

  • Base Layer: Apply Rhinox Hide (Games Workshop) as the base colour.
  • Detailing: Use Trollslayer Orange (Games Workshop) for the detailing, ensuring the paint is not too thick.

5. How to Paint the Skin:

  • Base Layer: Use Death Korps Drab (Games Workshop) as the base layer for exposed skin areas.
  • Highlighting: Gradually add white to Death Korps Drab for highlighting, focusing on the knuckles, fingertips, and muscle definition.

6. How to Paint the Base and Finishing Touches:

  • Grass Application: The base is painted with Mournfang Brown (Games Workshop) and decorated with MiniNatur Moss Pads for grass.
  • Final Adjustments: Ensure the consistency of the lighting and colour theme across the model.

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how to paint the Bandages
how to paint the Bandages

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