This video shows how to paint the sword hilt of Sigvald the Magnificent, in NMM silver.
How to Paint Marneus Calgar
A series of video tutorials on how I painted Marneus Calgar.
How to Paint Warstomper Mega-Gargant Skin and Body
A new series focusing on the new Mega Gargant (Giant) from Games Workshop. Here is how I painted his skin.
Warstomper Mega-Gargant – Skin Video Up!
I’ve just posted a video showing how to paint the skin on the body, including veins and freckles, of the Mega Gargant (Giant) in the photograph above.
How to Paint Sigvald Face and Horns
This video shows how to paint the face and horns on Sigvald the Magnificent from the Hedonites of Slaanesh by Games Workshop.
How to Paint Reikenor the Grimhailer
In my Reikenor the Grimhailer video I go through the techniques and paints used to create the black, to red, to blue fades on the model.
Up this week – Dread Pageant Chaos Warrior and more NMM Sigvald!
I’ve just posted the two videos for this week.
First up is part 1 for the Black and White video of the chaos warrior from the Dread Pageant warband for Warhammer Underworlds. The concept behind this video is to paint the model in purely black and white so that you have to use light volumes and textures to separate the surfaces out, rather than relying on colour.
The second video is part 3 of Sigvald, and is the final part of his NMM gold armour. After this there will be videos for his head, cloak and freehand shield.
Video Tutorials : Dread Pageant Chaos Warrior
For my Dread Pageant Chaos Warrior, I wanted to paint the model in purely black and white so that you have to use light volumes and textures to separate the surfaces out, rather than relying on colour.
Warhammer Community Sigvald Article – ‘We gave Sigvald to 6 top-tier painters…’
I was delighted to be interviewed by the Warhammer Community Team about my Sigvald and process painting him. The whole interview can be found here, along with some Sigvalds by some incredible artists! There’s noContinue reading