I was delighted to be quizzed by the Warhammer Community team on my “Top Tips” for Golden Demon competitors. Along with Andy Wardle and Albert Moreto Font, we answered a series of questions on how to get in to the “competition groove”
Golden Demon Update – Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig!
I thought it would be interesting to keep you all updated on the Loon Boss Golden Demon progress!
So far he’s just about on schedule. You can see in the photos above that the other side is now also painted! I imagine a few people will have a laugh when they see some of the forthcoming videos with how basic the painting was on the other side of the model 😂
Paint and Oil Weathering on a Plastic Sicaran
This video shows the new Plastic Sicaran from Games Workshop. It also shows how to paint it using Imperial Fist Contrast paint and oil paint.
How to Paint a Warcry Witherlord
This video shows how to paint the Witherlord from the Rotmire Creed Warcry warband, which can be found in the new Warcry Heart of Ghur box, which was sent to me by Games Workshop.
How to Paint Leviathan Dreadnought Imperial Fist
This video shows the new Plastic Leviathan Dreadnought from Games Workshop. It also shows how to paint it using Imperial Fist Contrast paint and oil paint.
How to Paint a Warcry Bloated One – Rotmire Creed Warband (Heart of Ghur)
This video shows how to paint the Bloated One from the Rotmire Creed warband from the new Warcry box that Games Workshop sent me.
Golden Demon in October 2022
I’ve managed to get myself a ticket for the UK Golden Demon in October. It was quite a scramble and the tickets sold out in under a minute! If you didn’t manage to get a ticket then don’t forget to try again on Monday 8th August when more tickets will be going up.
How to Paint a Loonboss NMM Sickle
How I painted the NMM (non-metallic metal) sickle for the Loonboss on his Giant Cave Squig.