I thought it would be interesting to keep you all updated on the Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig Golden Demon progress!
So far he’s just about on schedule. You can see in the photos above that the other side is now also painted! I imagine a few people will have a laugh when they see some of the forthcoming videos with how basic the painting was on the other side of the model 😂
One of the trickiest things has been making the nmm look good from multiple angles, but I think I’ve just about pulled it off.

You may also notice that the head colour has had a change. The basic, flat green was a bit boring, so I’ve added some pink on the face and some spots.
I’ve also been practicing with resin splashes for the water and I think I’ve got a very simple and effective result! Here is a link to the video on how I did it:
Watch all of my Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig Videos

Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig – UK Golden Demon in October 2022 Entry
The Squig needed a Knight, so here’s my shiny NMM fellow, with tips on the banner, woodgrain, NMM and more.

Giant Cave Squig
A really fun experience playing with colour and texture! These videos show I created this bright little fellow.
Learn how to paint the models from all my latest projects…
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