The Warhammer Community site have just published a showcase of “some of the world’s most talented painters” who painted the Shard of the Void Dragon model – including me!
Richard Gray
When I saw the new C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon model, I knew I had to try something fun when painting it. I’d already been using the NMM (non-metallic metal) style on the Necrons from the Indomitus boxed set, with dark and grimy steel for the Skorpekh Lord and gold for the Overlord.

It was time to take it up a level for such a fantastic model, so I set myself the challenge of a chrome effect, which is sometimes referred to as SENMM (sky earth non-metallic metal), as you paint the reflections of the sky and the ground. Some old-timers may remember that the old Warhammer Fantasy Battle and White Dwarf magazine logos used to have the same effect on them! I actually removed some of the details from the model, as much as it pained me to do so, as I wanted the focus to be on the metal effect on the body.
To read the whole article and explore the amazing work by other artists, click here.
Learn to Paint the C’tan Shard of the Void Dragon

Void Dragon – SENMM
I wanted a different effect for the NMM so I went for SENMM and am pretty happy with how it turned out. For those who don’t know, SENMM just means Sky Earth Non Metallic Metal.
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