I’ve decided to paint my Bestigor Destroyer in a bit more relaxed and fun style, rather than the more intense pieces I’ve been working on lately. Rougher brush strokes and less blending, but still pushing the light to try and make a nice look.
Follow along with all my tutorials for him so far at:

Warcry Spire Tyrants Bestigor Destroyer
Guides on how to paint the Warcry Spire Tyrants Bestigor Destroyer including non metallic metal and fur texture.
What is a Bestigor Destroyer?
The Bestigor Destroyer, a towering brute within the ranks of the Spire Tyrants, epitomizes the ferocity and raw power that this warband represents in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar universe. Originating from the fighting pits in the depths of the Varanspire, Archaon’s immense fortress, the Spire Tyrants are a testament to survival, strength, and the relentless pursuit of glory through bloodshed. Among these survivors, he stands out as the quintessential hammer to the anvil that is the warband’s more defensive fighters, like the Pit Veterans with shields.
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