This free video shows how to paint a Warmaster Iconoclast Titan for the Legio Astorum (Warp Runners) from the Adeptus Titanicus game.
The following paints were used:
Games Workshop: Night Lords Blue, Calgar Blue, Mephiston Red, Balor Brown, Hashut Copper, Yriel Yellow
Vallejo: Dark Sea Grey, White, Metal Colour Burnt Iron, Metal Colour Gold, Metal Colour Chrome, Mecha Gloss Varnish
Scale 75: Necro Gold
Ammo: Ultra-Matt Lucky Varnish
Winsor and Newton: Sansodor mineral spirit, oil colour Black, oil colour Burnt Sienna
Badger: Ultimate Primer Black
Steps to Follow on How to Paint a Warmaster Iconoclast Titan
Preparing the Model
- Build the Model: Assemble your Warmaster Iconoclast Titan, leaving off the armour plates for separate painting. This allows easier access to the skeleton for painting in metallic colours.
Painting the Skeleton
- Base Coat in Metallic: Start with Vallejo Metal Colour Burnt Iron applied with a large soft brush or a dry brush for a smooth metallic base on the skeleton.
- Detailing with Copper: Use Games Workshop Hashut Copper for the hips and other details, applying multiple coats as necessary for even coverage. Thin with water if the paint is too thick.
- Verdigris Effect: Mix oil paints on cardboard to create a light green verdigris colour. Stipple this onto the copper parts with an old brush, focusing on crevices and rivets. Thin with white spirit for a more natural effect.
Weathering the Metal
- Oil Wash: Create an oil wash with black and burnt sienna oil paints thinned with mineral spirits. Apply over the entire metal skeleton, excluding verdigris areas, to add depth and an oily finish.
- Highlighting: Highlight edges and raised details with Vallejo Metal Colour Chrome for a sharp contrast.
Painting the Armour Panels
- Base Coat in Blue: Airbrush the panels with Games Workshop Night Lords Blue, followed by highlights with Calgar Blue focusing on upper sections and curves.
- Detailing Stripes and Flames: For striped areas, use Tamiya masking tape and Vallejo Dark Sea Grey. For flames, start with Balor Brown as a base, building up to lighter tones and finally white for the hottest parts.
- Applying Decals: Use Forge World or Games Workshop decals for additional detailing, sealing them with Microset or Microsol. I’ve put a link to another free video on how to do that, below!
- Final Weathering: Apply oil washes for weathering effects, focusing on creating streaks and grime accumulation that fits with the battlefield-worn look.

How to Apply Forge World Decals and Weather Them
A beginners guide on how to apply Forge World decals and weather them so they look a natural part of the painting on your model. Painting and applying decals to your models adds significant details and realism, making it stand out during tabletop gaming. It’s also a lot easier than freehand! I still use decals a lot in my models, despite also enjoying freehand work.
Finishing Touches
- Painting Trim and Details: Use Scale 75 Necro Gold for gold trim, applying carefully around edges and details. For a brighter highlight, apply Vallejo Metal Colour Gold.
- Matte Varnish: Seal the entire model with an ultra-matte varnish to tie together the different finishes and protect the paintwork.
- Optional Ribbon Streamers: Create custom ribbon streamers from plastic card, painted and detailed to match the Titan’s colour scheme, adding dynamism and a personalised touch to your model.
Additional Tips
- Always thin your paints to ensure smooth application and avoid obscuring fine details.
- When working with oil paints for weathering, allow ample drying time between layers to prevent smudging.
- Use a hairdryer to speed up drying times cautiously, avoiding too much heat on plastic parts.
- Experiment with lighting and colour modulation on the armour panels for a dynamic appearance.
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How die you do the oily weathering Effekt on the Ball Sockets?
Hi,do you have a photo of a top down view?