Taking a quick from more serious painting to have some fun with my first ever Orruk! This guy is Morgok the Orruk from Morgok’s Krushas, an Underworld warband.
I’ve gone for a slightly different colour of skin to regular orruks. This was achieved using Vallejo Heavy Black Green, Bugman’s Glow, Cadian Fleshtone, Screaming Skull!
Video – Morgok the Orruk: Face, Teeth and Armour
Materials and Paints
- Games Workshop:
- Mournfang Brown
- Morghast Bone
- Screaming Skull
- Flash Gitz Yellow
- Cadian Fleshtone
- Bugman’s Glow
- Vallejo:
- Neutral Grey
- Pale Grey Blue
- Heavy Black Green
- P3:
- Morrow White
Brushes and Tools:
- Fine Detail Brushes: Essential for precise work, especially for facial details, scratches, and armour highlights.
- Larger Brushes: For basecoating and applying initial layers. A medium-size brush is suitable for most areas.
- Wet Palette: To keep your paints hydrated and workable, especially important for blending and layering.
- Water Cup: For rinsing brushes and thinning paints.
- Paper Towels or Cloth: For brush cleaning and drying.
Additional Materials:
- Black Primer: To prime the model before painting.
- Blue Tack by Bostik: Useful for temporarily attaching parts like the head and chest, making them easier to handle while painting.
- Mixing Tray or Palette: For mixing paints and creating custom shades.
- Light Source: A lamp or natural light to observe how light and shadow play on the model, which guides highlighting and shading.
- Hairdryer (Optional): Can be used to speed up the drying process between layers.
Step-by-Step Guide
- Priming: Start by priming Morgok the Orruk in black. Keep the head and chest separate for ease of painting.
- Basecoat – Skin: Use Vallejo Heavy Black Green, thinned down (about 50% water). Apply several thin layers for a smooth, dark green base.
- Basecoat – Armour: Apply Vallejo Neutral Grey, also thinned down. This sets the stage for non-metallic black iron armour.
- Layering – Armour: With the same grey, build up layers, focusing on the armor’s texture and dents. Use the tip of your brush to pick out details and create a rough, worn look.
- Highlighting – Skin: Switch to Bugman’s Glow from Games Workshop for the skin. Paint details like creases and scratches directly, without a transition from the green. This creates high contrast and makes highlighting easier.
- Refining Highlights – Skin: Use Cadian Fleshtone for smaller, more precise highlights. Focus on the upper edges and fine details. This stage adds more depth and texture to the skin.
- Eyes: Paint the eyes with Flash Gitz Yellow. A simple blob will suffice, as we’re not aiming for competition standard.
- Directional Lighting: Think about how light hits the model. Highlight areas like the head and raised shoulder more to create depth.
- Final Highlights – Skin: Use Screaming Skull for the final highlights on the face. Apply it sparingly and precisely, refining the detail work.
- Layering – Armour: Introduce Vallejo Pale Grey Blue for further layers on the armour. Create a scratched, worn look by building up layers and focusing on edges and imperfections.
- Teeth – Basecoat: Start with Mournfang Brown, applying it evenly while leaving gaps between teeth.
- Teeth – Highlighting: Use Morghast Bone for highlighting. Remember, for the upper teeth, highlight near the gums, and for the lower teeth, highlight the tips.
- Teeth – Final Highlights: Add final highlights with P3 Morrow White on the very tips of the bottom teeth and near the gums of the top teeth.
- Additional Armour Work: Return to the armour, adding more highlights and refining the look with both Neutral Grey and Pale Grey Blue.
All videos are recorded in HD 1080p or higher – use full screen for the full effect and let the video load completely.
Morgok the Orruk from Morgok’s Krushas – All Videos

Painting Morgok from Morgoks Crushas
Morgok the Orruk and his mob of Ironjawz brutes once hunted down and fought the greatest prey they could find amongst Ghur’s trackless wastes. Whether they ran down spiny nephrodiles or fought the storm-warriors of Sigmar, Morgok’s Krushas sought the mightiest trophies in the name of their bellicose deity, Gorkamorka.
Here is the full series of videos on how I painted him!
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