Shop & Links

I get my materials and models from several places online and there are a few specific brands I prefer.

Artis Opus Brushes

I use Artis Opus brushes, with my favourite the Series S Size 00 Brush.

Visit their site


I buy most of my models from Element Games.

Visit their site

Warhammer Merchandise

Warhammer Merch!

Fancy something from the Warhammer Merchandise website? Please use my link when you shop!

Get shopping!


Rebecca Gray

My lovely wife does Warhammer unboxings, reviews, lore and more on her YouTube.

Visit, like and subscribe!

GitGud Painting

GitGud Painting

Magnus and Bruce are the heart and soul of GitGud Painting, a community built to inspire and support miniature painters of all levels. From Magnus’s expert tips to Bruce’s behind-the-scenes wizardry, they make the hobby accessible, fun, and rewarding.

Magnus is the painter and community-builder extraordinaire, always ready to share his wisdom. Bruce, the tech wizard, ensures everything runs smoothly while proving it’s never too late to dive into the world of painting.

Check out their website!