Review - BenQ IdeaCam S1 Pro, is it good for model building/painting videos?

Review – BenQ IdeaCam S1 Pro, is it good for model building/painting videos?

Today, I’m stepping a bit outside my usual painting tutorials to share my thoughts on the BenQ IdeaCam S1 Pro. BenQ reached out and asked me to test it out, and while it’s not the type of camera I typically use for my high-quality videos, I was curious to see how it might stack up for fellow miniature painters and hobbyists.

Video Review BenQ IdeaCam S1 Pro

First Impressions: Solid Build, Interesting Features

Right off the bat, the IdeaCam feels well-built and has a satisfying weight to it. The magnetic mounting system is convenient for quick adjustments, and the ability to tilt the camera for overhead shots is a nice touch. However, the connection is a bit weak, so be careful not to knock it over if you’re using it for close-up shots.

The dedicated controller is a great idea, with intuitive controls for zooming and focusing. Unfortunately, it only works with the BenQ app, not with OBS (which I use for recording). This was a big disappointment for me, as I prefer more control over my recording setup.

Image Quality: Surprisingly Good, But…

I was pleasantly surprised by the image quality of the IdeaCam. It’s pretty clear, even in my studio lighting, and the built-in light helps eliminate shadows when you’re up close. However, the zoom lens is only useful at extremely close range, practically touching the model. This isn’t ideal for painting, as you need some distance to see what you’re doing.

Macro Mode: A Hidden Gem for Miniature Enthusiasts?

The macro mode is where this camera shines for miniature work. You can get incredibly detailed close-ups of your models, even capturing the tiniest details like eyes and textures. This could be a valuable tool for showcasing your work online or inspecting your models for imperfections.

Building and Painting with the IdeaCam: A Mixed Bag

I tried using the IdeaCam while building and painting a few models, and it was a bit of a mixed bag. The close-up shots were great for highlighting details, but the fixed horizontal angle made it tricky to frame the image. I had to hold the models at awkward angles to get a decent view, which isn’t ideal for filming tutorials.

Who is this Camera For?

Overall, I think the BenQ IdeaCam S1 Pro is a decent option for beginners or those on a budget. It offers good image quality for the price, and the macro mode is a unique feature that could be valuable for miniature painters. However, the limitations of the zoom lens and the lack of compatibility with OBS make it less appealing for serious content creators.

If you’re looking for a simple and affordable way to get started with recording your miniature painting or building projects, the IdeaCam is worth considering. But if you need more control and flexibility, you might want to invest in a dedicated camera setup.

I hope this review has been helpful! Be sure to check out my YouTube channel and Patreon for more tutorials and behind-the-scenes content.

In short


  • Good image quality
  • Built-in light
  • Excellent macro mode


  • Zoom lens only useful at very close range
  • Limited compatibility with recording software
  • Fixed horizontal angle can be limiting

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