Venturing into airbrushing is an exciting step for any miniature painter. But with so many options on the market, it can feel overwhelming to decide where to start. Fortunately, our community on Discord has sharedContinue reading
How to Paint an Aeldari Dark Reaper
Welcome to my comprehensive painting guide for Aeldari Dark Reapers. Whether you’re looking to master freehand techniques or refine your display-standard painting skills, these tutorials have you covered. In the first tutorial, I’ll guide youContinue reading
How to Paint a Dark Mechanicum Serperos Overlord Heavy Stalker
Follow this step-by-step video and guide to achieve a grim, tabletop-ready Dark Mechanicum aesthetic for your Serperos Overlord Heavy Stalker. This guide covers metallic tones, weathering effects, detailed highlights, and glowing accents while maintaining theContinue reading
How to Paint a Delaque Ganger from Necromunda
In this how to paint a Delaque Ganger from Necromunda tutorial, we’ll focus on painting skin, coat, and eye lenses, perfecting the model’s core details with a mix of smooth and textured techniques. Let’s diveContinue reading
How to Paint Grandfather’s Gardeners from Warhammer Underworlds!
Welcome to my guide for painting the leader of the Grandfather’s Gardeners from Warhammer Underworlds. This step-by-step breakdown follows the techniques and colour choices used in the video tutorial, featuring a mix of Games WorkshopContinue reading
How to Paint an Orange Blood Angel for Movember
This tutorial with video will guide you through how to paint an orange Blood Angel Space Marine with a unique orange twist to his armour. Painted as part of Movember for mental health awareness, thisContinue reading
Richard Gray’s BONEZONE Winners Gallery!
The BONEZONE 2024 painting competition results are in! This year’s challenge centred around the Halgrim model from the Cursed City box, with entrants pushing the boundaries of creativity and skill. From atmospheric storytelling to technicalContinue reading
BONEZONE Winners Announcement Today!
It’s nearly here! Today we will be announcing the winners of our first-ever members only competition, the BONEZONE! We will all be watching on the Discord! Come join us! If you don’t have an accountContinue reading
How to Paint a Freehand Skull on an Aeldari Dark Reaper Helmet
In this guide, I’ll walk you through the entire process of painting a freehand skull on an Aeldari Dark Reaper helmet. This tutorial is ideal for intermediate to advanced painters looking to add some atmosphericContinue reading