This guide details how to paint streaks of slime as seen on the Nurgle Lord of Plagues model, and is part of a series of PDFs that I have created for him. This simple technique can be adapted for various types of dirt or other streaking effects.
What’s Covered in the Streaks of Guide:
- Materials and Paints: A list of paints used, including P3, Games Workshop, Vallejo, and Coat d’Arms, with emphasis on Battlefield Brown for consistency.
- Applying the Base Streaks: Learn how to paint the initial streaks with Traitor Green, ensuring they follow the natural pull of gravity for realism.
- Layering Colors for Depth: Instructions on adding layers with Elysian Green and Necrotite Green to create a sense of thickness and flow in the slime.
- Blending and Glazing: Techniques for glazing with Battlefield Brown to tone down the brightness and blend the slime into the underlying armor.
Additional Features:
- Professional Techniques: Richard Gray’s expert tips on achieving realistic streaks, including advice on paint consistency and brush control.
- Versatility: Guidance on adapting the technique for different effects, making it useful for a variety of modeling projects.
- Visual References: High-quality images to illustrate each step, helping you visualize the process and achieve the best results.
How to Paint More Nurgle Techniques!

Maggotkin of Nurgle
A video guide on creating a series of effects on the Plague God’s chosen servants, with rusty weapons, grimy copper armour and general Nurgle weathering techniques!
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