I was lucky enough to be sent the teeny tiny little Leviathan Dreadnoughts from the Legiones Astartes and couldn’t wait to paint them up. Follow along with my tutorial on how to paint a Leviathan Dreadnought yourself, below.

Video: How to Paint a Tiny Leviathan Dreadnought
This video looks at the new Leviathan model for Legions Imperialis and looks at an alternate method of painting the model as Imperial Fists. The same painting method can be used for other Legion models, but instead of the base red, just airbrush the off-white colour over the black primer and select an appropriate Legion Contrast Paint colour.
Materials Needed:
- Primer: Black
- Base Paints: Wild Rider Red (Games Workshop)
- Highlight Paints: Chimera Colours Sunray (or Vallejo Ice Yellow as alternative), Imperial Fists Yellow (Contrast), Uriel Yellow (Games Workshop)
- Shading: Winsor & Newton Artist’s Oil Colour Burnt Umber, Agrax Earthshade (Games Workshop)
- Metallics: Metal Colour Exhaust Manifold (Vallejo)
- Additional Colours: Mournfang Brown, Rhinox Hide, Sotek Green, Morgast Bone, Skeleton Horde (Contrast), Black (Vallejo), Neutral Grey (Vallejo)
- Finishing: Decals, Coffee Granules, MIG Sand and Gravel Glue
- Tools: Airbrush, various brushes including a very worn-out old brush for oil washes, wet palette
- Preparation:
- Assemble your model ensuring to correctly match the pieces as per instructions to avoid misfitting parts.
- Prime the entire model in black to prepare for painting.
- Base Coating:
- Airbrush the model with Wild Rider Red as the base layer. Ensure a solid, even coat by applying two or three layers if necessary.
- Highlighting:
- Apply a zenithal highlight using Chimera Colours Sunray or Vallejo Ice Yellow. Focus on areas where sunlight naturally hits to create a sense of volume and depth.
- For further highlights, transition to a lighter shade using Uriel Yellow mixed with a bit of white for the brightest points on the model.
- Contrast Layering:
- Over the prepared base, apply Imperial Fists Yellow contrast paint. The red undercoat will enrich the yellow, providing a vibrant, intense colour suitable for Imperial Fists.
- Shading:
- Create depth using a wash of Winsor & Newton Artist’s Oil Colour Burnt Umber thinned with Sansodor. Apply this carefully to recesses and shaded areas to enhance details.
- Metallic Details:
- Paint metallic parts with Vallejo Metal Colour Exhaust Manifold. Transfer this paint to a pot for easier access and to avoid spillage.
- Use Agrax Earthshade to add depth to the metallic areas.
- Additional Details:
- For areas requiring darker tones or additional shading, use Mournfang Brown and Rhinox Hide. This includes adding weathering effects and battle damage.
- Eyes and lenses can be detailed using Sotek Green, with highlights added by mixing the green with white.
- Use Morgast Bone for highlighting edges and details subtly.
- Skeleton Horde contrast paint can be used for additional shading and to add variety to the base.
- Base Decoration:
- Prime the base in black, then airbrush with Neutral Grey.
- Apply coffee granules (fresh, not sticky or old) to simulate dirt or rubble, securing them with MIG Sand and Gravel Glue.
- Highlight the texture with Morgast Bone and add weathering powder for further detail.
- Decals:
- Apply decals as needed, using a small brush to position them. Set them with Micro Set and ensure they conform to the model’s surface. If necessary, seal with matte varnish to remove any glossiness.
- Finishing Touches:
- Finalise your model with any additional weathering, highlighting, or detailing as desired. This may include further battle damage, streaking effects using thinned-down Mournfang Brown, or reinforcing highlights on the most prominent features.
- Varnishing:
- Once satisfied with the painting, apply a matte varnish to protect your work and reduce any unwanted shine, especially over decals.
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