I used lots of interesting techniques on this Gorgai Blood Sister! I made the drips of blood by supergluing my own hair to the heart and then running gloss varnish on it, once that was dry I gave it a coat of Blood for the Blood God.
Gorgai Blood Sisters are powerful warriors used as bodyguards to High Priestesses or Bloodwrack Medusae, or as a potent vanguard for the war covens. Each Gorgai Blood Sister is equipped with a heartshard glaive – a heavy polearm ideal for driving driving through armour and ribs to cut out an opponent’s heart.
Gorgai, the unit leader: she can be distinguished by her uniquely jeweled mask, specific heartshard glaive and her grisly trophy – the heart of an unfortunate victim, clutched proudly in her left hand.
The NMM gold is painted using XV-88, Moot Green, Balor Brown, Dorn Yellow, White

The halberd blade is Mechanicus Standard Grey, Sotek Green Blue Horror and White.
The scales of the Gorgai Blood Sister are Stagedon Scale Green, Fire Dragon Bright, Ahriman Blue, Temple Guard Blue and White. The lighting is 50/50 glaze with Fire Dragon Bright and White.

I created some detailed video tutorials for the Gorgai Blood Sister, which can be found on the link below!

Buy the Daughters of Khaine Melusai box from Element Games
(clicking on these helps me, so huge thank you!)
The Melusai Blood Sisters come as 100 components, and are supplied with 5 Citadel 40mm Round bases. This kit can optionally be used to assemble 5 Melusai Blood Stalkers.
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